Amazfit Bip is amazing and affordable watch. The only problem that it doesn't allow you to connect your external HRM to it to get better data during interval training. That app is a clever workaround to desired functionality which uses your phone as a bridge.
How does it work?
1. You download and open the app.
2. Select your Bluetooth HRM in the app window
3. You will receive your heart rate as a push notification every 30 seconds or in case if you reached some definite HR zone.
I tested it only with Samsung Galaxy S7 and Wahoo TICKR, So if it doesn't work with some other configuration you are not lucky. Try to write me an email and if I have time I may try to help you.
Amazfit Bip adalah jam tangan yang luar biasa dan terjangkau. Satu-satunya masalah yang tidak memungkinkan Anda untuk menghubungkan HRM eksternal Anda untuk mendapatkan data yang lebih baik selama pelatihan interval. Aplikasi itu adalah solusi cerdas untuk fungsionalitas yang diinginkan yang menggunakan ponsel Anda sebagai jembatan.
Bagaimana cara kerjanya?
1. Anda mengunduh dan membuka aplikasi.
2. Pilih Bluetooth HRM Anda di jendela aplikasi
3. Anda akan menerima denyut jantung Anda sebagai pemberitahuan push setiap 30 detik atau jika Anda mencapai beberapa zona SDM tertentu.
Saya menguji hanya dengan Samsung Galaxy S7 dan Wahoo TICKR, Jadi jika tidak berfungsi dengan beberapa konfigurasi lain, Anda tidak beruntung. Cobalah untuk menulis email kepada saya dan jika saya punya waktu, saya dapat mencoba membantu Anda.
Amazfit Bip is amazing and affordable watch. The only problem that it doesn't allow you to connect your external HRM to it to get better data during interval training. That app is a clever workaround to desired functionality which uses your phone as a bridge.
How does it work?
1. You download and open the app.
2. Select your Bluetooth HRM in the app window
3. You will receive your heart rate as a push notification every 30 seconds or in case if you reached some definite HR zone.
I tested it only with Samsung Galaxy S7 and Wahoo TICKR, So if it doesn't work with some other configuration you are not lucky. Try to write me an email and if I have time I may try to help you.